Free: Jumpstart Demo
Hip Internal Rotation With 90 Degrees of Hip and Knee Flexion
Jumpstart Demo
In this course, you’ll learn the foundational principles related to this paradigm shift. You will gain a better understanding of the body’s communication pathways connecting the nervous system and the muscle system. Although this course only provides an introduction to the principles of MAT, you will finish this course with valuable tools that will allow you to start seeing more positive physical changes with your clients right away.
Step 1: Instruct the client to lie supine with their legs straight and toes pointing up.
Step 2: Instruct the client to actively flex the left knee and hip to 90°.
- Practitioner maintains the weight of the lower leg.
Step 3: Instruct the client to fully internally rotate the left hip.
- Take the weight of the leg with your hand and ensure the client is not compensating through the motion.
Step 4: Assess the ROM in internal rotation of the left femur at the hip.
Step 5: Repeat steps 1–4 on the right side.
Step 6: Compare the left and right sides for symmetrical motion in hip internal rotation.
In this course, you’ll learn the foundational principles related to this paradigm shift. You will gain a better understanding of the body’s communication pathways connecting the nervous system and the muscle system. Although this course only provides an introduction to the principles of MAT, you will finish this course with valuable tools that will allow you to start seeing more positive physical changes with your clients right away.
Step 1: Instruct the client to lie supine with their legs straight and toes pointing up.
Step 2: Instruct the client to actively flex the knee and hip to indicated range on the restricted side.
- Practitioner stands on opposite side of the body and maintains the weight of the leg.
Step 3: Instruct the client to fully internally rotate the femur at the hip on the restricted side.
- Take the weight of the leg with your hand and ensure the client is not compensating through the motion.
Step 4: Perform JPT tests in varying degrees of hip flexion:
- Muscle Test 4a: Client positions leg at 110–120° of hip & knee flexion with hip internal rotation. Apply force into external rotation (PULL LOWER LEG IN).
- Muscle Test 4b: Client positions leg at 90° hip & knee flexion with hip internal rotation. Apply force into external rotation (PULL LOWER LEG IN).
- Muscle Test 4c: Client positions leg at 60° hip & knee flexion with hip internal rotation. Apply force into external rotation (PULL LOWER LEG IN).
- Muscle Test 4d: Client positions leg at 30° hip & knee flexion with hip internal rotation. Apply force into external rotation (PULL LOWER LEG IN).
In this course, you’ll learn the foundational principles related to this paradigm shift. You will gain a better understanding of the body’s communication pathways connecting the nervous system and the muscle system. Although this course only provides an introduction to the principles of MAT, you will finish this course with valuable tools that will allow you to start seeing more positive physical changes with your clients right away.
Step 1: Instruct the client to lie supine with their legs straight and toes pointing up.
Step 2: Instruct the client to actively flex the knee and hip to indicated range on the restricted side.
- Practitioner stands on the opposite side of the body and maintains the weight of the leg.
Step 3: Instruct the client to fully internally rotate the femur at the hip on the restricted side. ▪ Take the weight of the leg with your hand and ensure the client is not compensating through the motion.
Step 4: Perform PIC in varying degrees of hip flexion specific to position of weakness found in JPT tests:
- PIC 4a: Client positions leg at 110–120° of hip & knee flexion with hip internal rotation. Client applies force into internal rotation (PUSH LOWER LEG OUT).
- PIC 4b: Client positions leg at 90° hip & knee flexion with hip internal rotation. Client applies force into internal rotation (PUSH LOWER LEG OUT).
- PIC 4c: Client positions leg at 60° hip & knee flexion with hip internal rotation. Client applies force into internal rotation (PUSH LOWER LEG OUT).
- PIC 4d: Client positions leg at 30° hip & knee flexion with hip internal rotation. Client applies force into internal rotation (PUSH LOWER LEG OUT).
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