MAT For Massage Therapists

MAT Allows Massage Therapists To Cater To Their Client's Individual Unique Needs Prior or Post Session

A common issue for Massage Therapist is losing clients to unresolved pain or constant muscle tightness and new client acquisition can be one of the hardest parts of that job. With adding MAT, massage therapists would be able to assess each client prior to and after a massage session. This assessment gives massage therapists the ability to address and focus on the muscles that are not contracting effeciently and likely the cause of the unresolved pain or tightness.

Given that MAT improves the communication between the nervous system and the muscular system, MAT helps Massage Therapists create a better healing environment for an individual client’s unique neuromuscular system.

Learn how we help Massage Therapists cater to their client’s needs.
MAT: A Tool For Massage Therapists

Definitively Relieving Tightness

When clients have muscles that have been weakened due to stress, trauma, or overuse, the resultant inflammation alters the communication between the nervous system and the muscular system. This results in a neuromuscular weakness that cannot be corrected by general massage or deep tissue work.
In order to help relieve the pain and reduce inflammation to allow the body to heal, one must first activate the individual muscular imbalances which in turn improves the necessary communication for these muscles to function optimally. Once activated, then one can get the full benefits from a relaxing massage but if individual muscles are left unactivated, one could have temporary relief in pain or tightness but likely it will come back.
What MAT Gives Massage Therapists

MAT Has A Unique Perspective On Muscle Tightness Giving Massage Therapists An Advantage

MAT looks at muscle tightness as being a symptom that relates to underlying weaknesses. When muscles can’t contact efficiently, they cannot shorten effectively and they actually weaken due to lack of neurological input. This causes opposing muscles to tighten. Many massage therapists focus on trying to loosen the muscles that are tight through excessive force such as deep tissue massage, Graston, or general massage techniques. 

MAT differentiates itself from other modalites by never attempting to directly lengthen or change the muscle by stretching, heating, kneading, or foam rolling. MAT gives massage therapists a clear insight into the needs of each individual system to ensure proper reduction in muscle tightness.

Unique Skillset 

100% of our practitioners say that MAT gives them a unique skillset in their individual market based on a 2021 survey measuring the success of our practitioners.

Improved Client Outcomes

90% of our practitioners say that their client’s initial complaints or muscular dysfunctions are completely resolved in 1 of 10 MAT sessions.

Higher Earning Potential

Given their consistent and positive results, our practitioners report that their ability to earn more for their unique skillset is pronounced.
Increased Referrals

86% of MAT Practitioners get their new MAT clients from their existing MAT clients and 95% say MAT gives them a satisfying career.

Practitioner Database
Let us feature your success by listing you on our exclusive Find A Practitioner database and get clients to contact you directly for services.

Our practitioners come found all over the world to learn this valuable skillset. We are proud of our community of driven like minded individuals making a difference every day!

*The above percentages are based on 2019, 2020, and 2021 surveys measuring the success of our practitioners.


Christl Board

“I am so grateful for MAT and I am always so blown away by the results!”

- MAT Specialist and Massage Therapist

Kika Mela

“MAT has allowed me to live the professional life of my dreams and help so many more people than I thought possible.”

- MATRX Practitioner and Massage Therapist