Foot Function

Mastery Foot Function

The MAT Mastery Foot Function Course gives you the ability to develop a deeper understanding between the relationship of specific muscle functions and joint stability within the feet.

Course Details

The MAT Mastery Foot Function Course gives you the ability to develop an even deeper understanding of the relationship of specific muscle functions and joint stability within the foot. Our Mastery courses expand off of our Specialist Course content by introducing the technical skillset of Passive Muscle Testing.

You will learn how to passively evaluate range of motion movements within the foot joint and effectively address limitations with longer lasting results.

Within the MAT Mastery Foot Function course, there are 50 passive muscle tests that pinpoint which specific muscles have poor contractile ability – i.e. a muscle’s ability to contract on demand. Alongside these tests are correlating DFAMATs® (muscular palpations on the bony landmarks and insertion points of each muscle in the body) that are used to address and correct a weakened muscle in order to restore stability and mobility through joint motion.

Content Overview

Introduction To Passive CAMs
Learn Advanced AMC&S® Techniques
Further Develop DFAMATs® Skillset

MAT Mastery Foot Function Specifics

15 Comparative Assessment of Mobilities
50 Active Muscle Contract and Sustain Tests
50 Positional Isometric Contractions
50 Digital Force Application to Muscle Attachment Tissues
Virtual Feedback on Practical Work
The Mastery Foot Function course includes feedback from the instructor to ensure practical application is implemented appropriately.

Video Details

There are 74 proprietary step-by-step, multi-angled videos to allow for a more well-rounded digital learning experience. Our videos go hand in hand with the content presented in the MAT Mastery Foot Function course that is embedded in the course alongside the correlating videos.

Bonus! The ability to interact with the course material, other participants within the course, and our advanced course instructors allows for participants to ask questions as they progress through each chapter more than ever before! We are excited for you to get started now and see for yourself how powerful this community is.

What To Take Next

Mastery Wrist & Hand
Mastery Wrist & Hand
Mastery Trunk & Spine
Mastery Trunk & Spine


How To Access

Course content is accessible from within the MAT Community app. This content is delivered online and is learn at your own pace with online video lectures, video assignments, reading assignments and virtual feedback from top MAT instructors. 

This Content Includes:

Web, iOS, Android
MAT® Mastery Foot Function Course
74 In-Depth Videos
Multi-Angled Videos
MAT Community Access
Exclusive Practitioner Forum
1 Year Access