Congrats To Our Most Recent Graduates

We’d like to congratulate the list of most recent MAT graduates across all skill levels. Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed. 2022 has been an amazing year and we look forward to your continued education and success with MAT!


Cotterill, Caitlin
Ogden, Natasha
Peterson, Maria
Prazer, Jon
Phillips, David
Namenyi, Samantha
Rynkowski, Jeffrey
Foley, Ian
Bell, Adrian
Caison, Hannah
Chan, Alan
Cohen, Linda
Donahue, Cassandra
Goetz, Liana
Gubler, Jason
Gunn, Joseph
Pinho, Rubia
Schwarz, Cornelia
Theander, Joacim!
Wong, Jacob
Beckley, Diane
Bell, Taylor
Bolia, Kathy (Kate)
Breeden, Charles !
Calleja Shaw, Brandon
Cooper, Jared
Hayes, Heather
Ronnebaum, Ryan
Schott, Michael
Shaver, Aaron
Tereshchenko, Dariya


Baeckel, Brandon
Smith, Julie
Neuville, Samantha
Heather Garrigus
Alec Zess
Thrasher, Alan
Lehew, Shelby
Nather, Tyler
Amber Baron
Orjen Cuca
Ramsier, David
Stolz, Craig
Sarah Durham
Goodman, David


 Burt, Michael
 Cherem Saltiel, Jose
 Cross, KeriAn
 Durnell, Rachael
 Fortuna, Gina
 Spring, Robert
 Van Wyk, Steve
 Woods, Joel